How an Upstate NY company hopes to turn your cheap beer into a craft brew

Let’s say you crave a full-flavored, craft-brewed pale ale, but you only have the money to buy Pabst Blue Ribbon or Genny Cream Ale.

Peter Hanley has a solution for you. It’s called Mad Hops Flavored Brew Drops.

You just squeeze a drop or two into your Utica Club or Labatt’s Blue, and, behold, it becomes something closer to, say, a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (at a fraction of the cost).

At least that’s the idea.

Hanley, who lives in South Bristol, near Bristol Mountain Ski Resort on Canandaigua Lake launched Mad Hops last fall. He sells it online and at a small but growing list of retail outlets, and has been pitching it at craft beer festivals.


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